Aug 2021. Jo's identical twins arrive after a 45 minute labour May 2022. Nine months old and sharing the joy Jackie Whitford
The Pros and Cons of a Home Birth
Up until the 1960s around 40% of births were home births – you’ve seen Call the Midwife! From the 1960s onwards, community midwifery services were run down and nearly all babies were born in hospital as births started to become medicalised. In the last 20 years home...
Home Birth?
It was so good recently to watch "Yorkshire Midwives on Call" BBC. For once a TV programme showing what birth can be like i.e. undramatic; part of the normal process of family life which takes place in the familiar comfort of the womans own home. It was such a...
Don’t Knock Natural Physiological Birth – 21 April 2022
As a veteran NCT teacher I am saddened by their announcement that they are no longer going to promote “natural childbirth” in their classes”. To me, it's a bit like the Pope renouncing Catholicism. It's in my opinion an overreaction to the Ockenden Report into the...
Mothers know best – Daily Mail – April 7 2022
The recent Ockenden report was shocking and alarming and the findings misrepresented by some columnists which prompted me to write to several newspapers and woman's hour. Below is what the Daily Mail recently published. "WHILE the Ockenden report into the failings of...
Taking the long view
Femme Sage As a midwife x over 35 years now and a mum of 4 kiddos ages 27 to 36, and a grandma to 2 little ones, this post shares one of the truest truths I know: we do not make or break our children. They come with their own stories and journeys and our job is to be...
Antenatal classes at the The Fountain Inn, Ashurst, Nr Steyning, West Sussex
Very excited to be holding antenatal classes at the The Fountain Inn Ashurst, Nr Steyning, West Sussex. This is a fabulous venue and I will be holding the classes in the charming beamed barn with outside decking overlooking the duck pond.1st class of a 5 week...
36 weeks pregnant with MonoDi twins!
At 36 weeks pregnant with MonoDi twins I couldn't be feeling more excited, grateful and relaxed about meeting our babies imminently. I have Jackie at BirthWise to thank for all the hypnobirthing prep and for getting me back into my Zen place after a whirlwind year...
So – Who put men in charge of childbirth?
Thanks to Kate Evans “Bump - How to make, grow and birth a baby” First it’s a bad idea of put a subset of people in control of a physiological phenomenon that they have no direct experience of. That is not to say that men or childless women can’t make very good...