As a veteran NCT teacher I am saddened by their announcement that they are no longer going to promote “natural childbirth” in their classes”. To me, it’s a bit like the Pope renouncing Catholicism. It’s in my opinion an overreaction to the Ockenden Report into the failings of the NHS maternity services in Telford and Shropshire NHS which dammed hospital administration, blanket policies and procedures combined with  a shortage of midwifery staff. So I am sharing an assertion from perhaps the world’s most famous midwife in the world (with an excellent track record for safety.)

More than forty years of experience as a midwife have not lessened my awe and respect for the efficiency and beautiful design of the female body as expressed in labour and birth. In fact the years only increase my sense of wonder about how well our bodies can work – given the right circumstances. The outcomes of our births demonstrate how rare it is for complications and difficulties to occur when women are properly prepared for birth and when technological interventions are kept to a minimum – that is used only when necessary

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin.

The NCT should be lobbying for improved maternity services rather than colluding with the seemingly endless rise of routine medical interventions (with no improved outcomes for mother and baby).

Jackie Whitford