
The days are long but the years are short

The days are long but the years are short

There is no break between the hard work of labour and birth and the full time, full on commitment that caring for a new baby requires. Frequently exhausting, it all passes very quickly. This lovely video reminds all new mums to try and savour these early days...

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Transition to motherhood

Transition to motherhood

The transition from being a woman to becoming a mother is huge (and happens within a few hours). Apart from new  and instant full time responsibility, as with adolescence, you are dealing with turbulent hormonal influences and fluctuating emotions. This...

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In praise of hypnobirthing

In praise of hypnobirthing

Happy Birth Day 💗 Birth of baby Leo – July 2022 “As a NHS midwife, I have attended many home births and now work on a busy labour ward in central London. I see first hand the difference between women who prepare their minds and bodies for birth using hypnobirthing tools, and those who come […]

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Do I need an antenatal class?

Do I need an antenatal class?

“I’m pregnant with my first baby and all is going well. My sister has just had a baby and has told me all about it and given me the books she found useful. I think I have all the information and support I need.” I’ve heard this sort of viewpoint expressed ever since I...

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Jubilee Baby ?

Jubilee Baby ?

Baby due over the Platinum Jubilee long weekend 2 - 6 June? What are your chances of baby arriving on its EDD? Actually only 5% of 1st babies do with 81% go past that. So, enjoy your celebrations - the distraction, laughter and street dancing will all shorten your...

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Born to be Queen

Born to be Queen

1st photo of Princess Elizabeth with her mother the Duchess of York. Princess Elizabeth was born 96 years ago in her maternal grandparents London home. Yes, the then Duchess of York had a home birth! Pain relief available was chloroform which made the mother at least...

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