It was so good recently to watch “Yorkshire Midwives on Call” BBC. For once a TV programme showing what birth can be like i.e. undramatic; part of the normal process of family life which takes place in the familiar comfort of the womans own home. It was such a refreshing change to see women at ease in their own space, moving around, choosing how and where to birth rather than what we usually see on One Born Every Minute – a woman in hospital, seemingly confined to bed, labouring and delivering on her back. And, so good to see the continuity of care in practice that community midwives can provide. If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, you can request a home birth even if its your 1st baby (and up to your 6th). Once you are in active labour 2 midwives will stay with you throughout until baby is born and they are satisfied you and baby are fine. However, despite this being a real choice for most pregnant women, home births account for only about 3% of all deliveries in England. And stats for home births show they are safe. They also show that if a woman chooses home birth she has just a 7% chance of an emergency C. Section as opposed to a planned hospital delivery where the emergency C.Section rate is around 36% and higher in some hospitals.
A home birth is certainly worth considering. If you missed it, do catch up on Iplayer with” Yorkshire Midwives on Call”.
Jackie Whitford